


Definition of sport: sport is the performance of a normal physical effort, or the practice of a certain skill, and it is governed by a set of rules and steps, the goal of which is excellence, fun, entertainment, skill development, and competition. A large number of exercises and skills, such as: yoga, gymnastics, equestrian, swimming, walking, jogging, bodybuilding, long and short jumps, football, basketball and others, and there is no doubt that sports have a large number of benefits to the health of the individual. The benefits of exercise limit and reduce…

General information about sports

Sports Sports is one of the most important activities practiced by peoples. In addition to its many health benefits and the high physical fitness, agility, flexibility and health of the heart and blood vessels, it also gives a great sense of pleasure and expels negative energy from the body. At the present time, interest in sports is not limited to It is only practiced for entertainment and pleasure and to obtain its health and physical benefits, but many international sports competitions are held for which huge prizes are allocated in exchange for sports excellence in a game. The most prominent sports from…

Diet and physical activity: a public health priority

Unhealthy diets and lack of physical activity are major risk factors for major noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Recognizing the opportunity to reduce mortality and disease worldwide through improved diets and increased levels of physical activity, the World Health Assembly adopted the Global Strategy WHO on Diet, Physical Activity and Health May 2004. This strategy makes recommendations to Member States, WHO, international partners, the private sector, civil society, NGOs...

Physical activity

What is physical activity? The World Health Organization defines physical activity as any bodily movement of skeletal muscles that requires energy, including activities during work, play, household tasks, travel and recreational activities. The terms 'physical activity' should not be confused with 'acting', as exercise is a planned, regulated, and repetitive subcategory of physical activity that aims to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness. Besides exercise, any other physical activity…

Global strategy on diet and physical activity

Misconceptions About Physical Activity Physical activity is an expensive exercise. Because it requires special equipment, shoes and clothing - sometimes, you can just use the sports facilities without paying a sum of money for it. Physical activity can be practiced in almost all places, and doing this activity does not necessarily require the use of specific equipment. Carrying household items, firewood, books or children is also a good complement, as is climbing stairs instead of using elevators. Walking is, perhaps, the activity of the greatest number of…

Physical activity and the elderly

Key facts Physical activity brings significant benefits to the health of the heart, body and mind. One in four adults does not engage in physical activity as globally recommended. Up to 5 million deaths a year could be avoided if the world's population were more active. The risk of death increases by 20% to 30% in people who do not get enough physical activity compared to people who do not get enough physical activity. More than 80% of the world's adolescent population does not practice…

Insufficient physical activity: a global public health problem

Insufficient physical activity Globally, about 31% of adults aged 15 years and over were insufficiently active in 2008 (men 28% and women 34%). There are approximately 3.2 million deaths annually due to insufficient physical activity. In 2008, the highest prevalence of insufficient physical activity was in the WHO Region of the Americas and the Eastern Mediterranean Region. In both areas, the activity of nearly…

The importance of sport for women, and what is the appropriate sport for her?

What is the benefit of sports for women? Sport has many benefits for women, as it contributes to reducing the incidence of various diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. As for the physical aspect, it helps burn calories, maintain physical fitness, and exercise makes the psychological state of women. What types of sports practices are appropriate for women? What is inappropriate? There are many types of sports suitable for women, including aerobic exercise (exercises to burn fat), walking and swimming. As for other sports, such as wrestling, weightlifting, …

Sports injuries and treatment methods

Sports injuries In recent years, the number of people of different ages who practice different types of sports has increased, and sports of all kinds is undoubtedly one of the most important physical activities that a person can engage in, in order to obtain a healthy body free from diseases, but in many In some cases, the athlete or athlete suffers an injury that varies in severity from light to strong. Sports injuries are a common term that refers to different types of injuries that occur during exercise,…

Physical activity and youth

Recommended levels of physical activity for health: Ages 5-17 Physical activities for children and young people in this age group include: play, games, sports, mobility, recreation, physical education, planned training in the family, school, and community activities. In order to improve cardio-respiratory fitness and bone health and reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases, it is recommended that: Children and young people aged 5 to 17 years should engage in a total of at least 60 minutes per day of moderate physical activity...

food system

Unhealthy diets and forms of physical inactivity are major risk factors for chronic diseases. International and national expert reports and studies that have reviewed the current scientific evidence recommend reaching certain levels of nutrient intake in order to prevent chronic disease. With regard to diet, recommendations to populations and individuals should include the following points: Achieving energy balance and maintaining a healthy weight Reducing intake Energy from total fats, switching from consuming saturated fats to unsaturated fats, and moving toward eliminating separate fats*...